I first had morning glory when I visited Phuket and loved the simplicity of this lovely green leafy vegetable. I love adding sesame oil to my leafy green vegetables as it really brings out the flavour of most greens.
When buying this vegetable, look for bright green leaves, with preferably thinner stalks, as the thicker ones can get quite fibrous and stringy. Younger shoots can be eaten, stalks and all.
I love my veggies with still some bite to them. Kangkong leaves only need a quick stir fry and its ready to eat. Taste test the stalks to check for doneness.
2 bunches of morning glory, washed and chopped roughly in one inch pieces
2 tbsps of oil
1 inch piece of ginger chopped fine
5 cloves of garlic chopped fine
salt to taste
1 tsp of sesame oil
Heat oil in a pan. Add in your ginger and garlic. Fry for a few minutes. Then add in the morning glory. It will reduce down as the leaves cook. Once almost done, add in the sesame oil.
Serve immediately.